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Coconut shows potential for double demand

November 15, 2022
Coconut shows potential for double demand

Coconut is reported to have double demand in the month of November. With the beginning of Sabarimala season not only in Kerala and Tamil Nadu but in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh also the demand for coconut is expected to rise by double compared to the last two years.

The unexpected low arrival of raw coconut from rural areas is supposed to be the reason for the hike in the price. Within a short time, the price of copra has increased from Rs.7500 to Rs.8400 per quintal.

However, the increase in the price of copra has not affected the price of coconut oil. Normally when the price of copra rises by Rs.100 the price of coconut oil increases by Rs.200, but now when the price of copra has increased by around Rs.500 the price of coconut oil has gone up only by Rs.200.



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